Aziza Alaoui

What is Soul-Aligned Success? – Episode #005 Claim Your Freedom Podcast

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Welcome to Claim Your Freedom.

I am your host, Aziza Alaoui. Today, our topic is soul aligned success.

Well, all of you are looking to succeed in life and success motivates you to work hard, go beyond your limits, create something special and fulfill your dreams.

So what is success?

The notion of success is different for each one of you.

It doesn’t matter if success for you is lasting relationships, is being a good parent and raise great kids, conscious kids or build a multimillion business, open a yoga studio, or become a CEO of a great company.

What matters is to succeed.

So we see here that success can be financial.

You can accumulate riches and become a wealthy person.

Can be championships for an athlete to become the best athlete or the athlete of the year to win medals at the Olympics.

It could be just well-being, feel healthy and happy.

Or it could be a book that you write and will change many people’s lives.

So success is what you make it. What you make out of it.

Whatever it means to you, remember that success is a state of mind, many habits and behaviors that impact and affect every area, area of your life.

So how can you become successful?

What does it take to be successful?

Well, it takes willpower. It takes motivation.

But mostly it takes belief.

Belief is important, is crucial because you have to believe that you can make it.

You can do it. You can be successful. And also self-determination.

Self-determination can foster success in many areas of your life.

Some of you would ask, why is it that I am successful but not happy?

I am not happy, even if I succeeded in what I really wanted.

Well, it’s because you don’t enjoy the freedom you deserve.

Something is holding you back. That’s why you feel stuck.

So what’s holding you back from being happy and fulfilled.

It’s called mind blocks.

Mind blocks are limiting beliefs you built slowly since your birth, you accumulated all these beliefs, listening to different opinions, maybe from teachers at school, at home from your parents, siblings, babysitters, and even at work.

And these beliefs became your reality because you believe it is true.

You believe they are true. And your subconscious mind tells you so.

For example, you want to open a business or become the executive in your big company.

What do you do?

You consciously use your brain, which we call Neocortex, your frontal brain.

And we call it the conscious mind, which is only 5% of your mind.

You start by setting your goals and then you plan all the steps and the tasks you have to execute and you have to take to achieve that goal.

And when you add willpower and motivation to it, you succeed and you become that person you dream to be.

But what happened next?

Your feelings show up.

They take the stage big time.

And some of you start feeling feeling emptiness, fear, anxiety.

You feel this deep sense that something is missing.

And the feeling becomes more robust.

Because the more you think of unhappiness, the unhappier you become because you keep reminding yourself.

It starts this loop of thought, emotion, thought.

And it doesn’t end because it is a habit.

It becomes a pattern.

Even if you tell yourself, I want to start a business, I want to become a CEO of the company, make money, have more freedom and enjoy it. Deep inside there is a belief that you don’t deserve this joy.

Maybe a belief of unworthiness that was nurtured all your life.

Maybe since your childhood that is holding you back.

And these beliefs are nurtured constantly repeatedly through thoughts and emotions in your subconscious.

Until they became second nature, they became your habits, your behavior.

They became patterns.

Maybe you believe that because you’ve been told that freedom is not possible when you want to succeed and become a millionaire.

That instead you have to sacrifice time with family and friends, time for yourself, self care, fun, all the good things in life.

Or maybe you heard that happiness comes only with money and fame and you believe it.

Maybe you believe that because you’ve been told that freedom is not possible when you want to succeed and become a millionaire.

That instead you have to sacrifice time with family and friends, time for yourself, self care, fun, all the good things in life.

Or maybe you heard that happiness comes only with money and fame and you believe it.

Now you realize that it’s not true.

No matter how rich and famous you are, you don’t enjoy freedom because you didn’t take the time to dig deeper and acknowledge what is happening in your subconscious.

That 95% of your mind has a story running in the background,

it keeps it busy and that 95% of your mind is the one running the show.

To feel happy and fulfilled.

You need to do the work to uncover the truth about your beliefs.

Align them with your goals and your dreams.

And then create a new belief system aligned with what you want in life to support you in your mission to become successful and happy and fulfilled in all areas of your life, not only one.

And that’s what make you feel that something is missing because you help one area of your life, but not the others, and to feel the freedom that you deserve and to enjoy it.

To become successful. To really achieve soul-aligned success, you need to align your beliefs with your goals.

It is crucial to understand that success is not about money and fame.

Success is beyond that. Success is a feeling.

It is a deep sense that you are in your mission.

You are connected to your purpose.

Success is a state of being.

It is not something material.

It’s what you feel deep inside.

It’s your inner guidance.

It’s an energy, connection to your higher self.

Success is all of this.

And it is connected to your soul.

And that’s why we call it soul-aligned success

This is absolute freedom.

You no longer attach yourself to the outer world.

You become free.

You raise your awareness and transcend to a higher energy level.

You vibrate so high that nothing else matters.

Only that feeling of freedom.

Now everything becomes possible because you have clarity on what’s happening in all areas of your life, because you know you are doing what you love and you can have joy and happiness in return.

Be patient.

Don’t give up.

Become the source of your success.

Connect to your inner self and inner guidance to create soul aligned success.

That is your ultimate success.

Use your life experience to achieve soul aligned success one step at a time, not any success. Success that is connected to your purpose and mission in life.

I hope you enjoyed this episode and I will see you next week.

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